Email List Information
MMLL E-mail List Instructions:
Purpose: To share information quickly and easily with everyone simultaneously.
What: Post questions, announcements, good and bad news, share information. The only caution is to remember that your messages will appear in mailboxes as soon as you post them and will go to everyone on the list.
Who: The League strongly encourages every library to have at least one person subscribed to the E-mail List in order to ensure that they are receiving communications from the MMLL office. It may also be beneficial to have staff and Trustees join as well.
E-mail address: E-mail messages posted on the list will have the list name [ex: midmichlib] in the subject line for identification purposes.
How to sign up: Send an email message with the following information:
Subject: MMLL Email List
Body: Please sign me up for the MMLL E-mail List, MidMichLib (or MMLLyouth or MMLLapollo)
Name: [your name]
Library: [your library]
Email: [your email address]
AVAILABLE LISTS: This is the Mid-Michigan Library League discussion list for its members and affiliates. Members may use this list to ask questions of their colleagues or share information with the group. All MMLL Board members are automatically added to this list. - This is a group email list of all directors of libraries in the Mid-Michigan Library League. All directors are automatically added to this list. - This is a group email for Mid-Michigan Library League members who use the Biblionix Apollo ILS.
How to send a message to the list: Use the list address in the "to" field: (or, or
Your message will go out to all emails of members on that list.