April 2020 News
Mid-Michigan Library League News of Interest
April 28, 2020
Again, in a random order, here is some news and links for you all in this time of COVID-19 when libraries are currently closed. This is the third installment.
Most MMLL member libraries have verified (to me so far) that they are providing paid sick leave during times of school and library closure.
MMLL member libraries whose Boards have made different decisions:
- Alden District Library – furloughed 6 part-time employees, director is still paid
- Chase Public Library – Board laid off the director (only staff member)
- Seville Township Library – Board is considering lay off of all staff, will meet with Emma this week
- Luther Area District Library – Board is working on hiring a new director; Jody Lucas is interim
Welcome a new director to MMLL: Cora Schaeff began as the new director of the Leelanau Township Library! She may be able to join us for a director check-in via Zoom, so a new face may soon be revealed!
Webinars and Online Meetings this week:
Wednesday, April 29, 10:00 a.m.: MiYouth Meetings will be weekly, at 10am on Wednesdays. Please note the added PASSWORD protection: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://michigan-host.zoom.us/j/506813991 Password: 454345 Or by phone, Dial: USA 215 446 3657 or USA 8883634735 (US Toll Free) Conference code: 519921
Ploud Community Meetings: Wednesday, April 29: 1-2 PM ET, State Librarian Randy Riley will speak about the relevance of libraries in age of COVID19 and then Cadillac-Wexford Public Library Director Tracy Logan and Ploud trainer April Liedeke will join us to talk about making your library website relevant and responsive. To join: https://michigan-host.zoom.us/j/92956116288 ; Or Telephone: USA 888-251-2909 (US Toll Free) ; Conference code: 988360
Friday, May 1, at 2pm Eastern. Library of Michigan director meeting. Join May 1 from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://michigan-host.zoom.us/j/92962795860?pwd=MlZVd1IvZ3FNYllnc29SMnFZN083UT09
Password: 541151 ; Or Phone: 216-706-7005 OR 866-434-5269 (Toll Free), Conference code: 579192Notes from all our Friday meetings are available in this document and you can add comments. https://tinyurl.com/MILibDirMeetingNotes. We add additional resources and information to this document throughout the week. Please use CTRL-F to search for text or words. Chat logs are also included at the end of each Friday’s meeting notes and include links as well. This week our guest will be Heather Wood-Gramza from Howard Miller Public Library and Community Center speaking on their plans for curbside delivery.
Friday, May 1 at 11:00 EDT - This week we continue our discussion by taking a deeper dive into removing barriers to library service to discuss best experiences and opportunities for continuing and expanding virtual programming. Part support group, part visioning, let’s share our thoughts and ideas as we innovate ways to create our post-pandemic future. Join us this week on Friday, May 1 at 11:00 EDT (10:00 am CDT) on Zoom. Please login using this link for the Virtual Dialogue. You can view the recordings and chat logs from the previous dialogues by visiting https://www.mcls.org/training-events/presentation-slides/.
May 5th | 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. REGISTER NOW Local residents, business owners, and community leaders face many challenges when addressing insufficient Internet access. This webinar will explore the trade-offs, capacity, and economics behind common Internet access technologies, including cable, DSL, mobile wireless, fixed wireless, satellite, and fiber optic.
Archived webinars and links:
Governor Whitmer press conference 4-27-20 video: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganStatePolice/videos/313583922938038/
PowerPoint slides: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MIEOG/2020/04/27/file_attachments/1437210/PPT%204.27.20.pdf
Michigan Humanities Organizations Pandemic Emergency Grants (H.O.P.E.) - learn about the Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant opportunities. Visit this Zoom link to view a recording of the meeting, which includes participant questions. If you have any Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant questions, please contact James Nelson, MH Director of Grants, at jnelson@mihumanities.org
PLA - Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Free Webinar Series
This series is complete, but you may find the recordings now at that URL
Looking Ahead, Planning for Reopening – ALA's Chapter Relations Office and Public Policy and Advocacy Office, with United for Libraries. This webinar is over, but here are the links they sent:
Link to Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QEwfhQgSTGUu_vYkKBZV_sArfn-l0O0hSds9MzwmMbE/edit?usp=sharing
ALA's COVID response home page: http://www.ala.org/tools/ala-covid-19-response
IMLS COVID Research Partnership: https://imls.gov/news/covid-19-research-partnership-inform-safe-handling-collections-reopening-practices-libraries
Public Health Principles for a Phased Reopening During COVID-19: Guidance for Governors from Johns Hopkins University, 4/20, Footnote added on page 16: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2020/200417-reopening-guidance-governors.pdf
Forbes article re: Johns Hopkins report: https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/04/23/johns-hopkins-changed-its-guidance-on-re-opening-the-economy-after-pushback-from-librarians/#19bdf2c671a2
IMLS/CDC webinar-Mitigating COVID-19 When Managing Paper-Based, Circulating, and Other Types of Collections: https://www.imls.gov/webinars/mitigating-covid-19-when-managing-paper-based-circulating-and-other-types-collections
CDC webpage about communicating in a crisis: https://emergency.cdc.gov/cerc/resources/pdf/leaders_cerc_zcard.pdf
Harvard Business Review article on Communicating during Coronavirus https://hbr.org/2020/03/communicating-through-the-coronavirus-crisis
NM State Library: Public Services Return to Work/Library Re-Opening Plan: https://bit.ly/3eQp87Q
Georgia Regents Public Library Advisory Committee plan for library service: https://georgialibraries.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Recommendations-for-Library-Services-During-The-Covid-19-Pandemic.pdf
Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) COVID 19 Resource Hub: https://culturalrescue.si.edu/hentf/major-disasters/current-disasters/
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) COVID 19 and the Global Library Field: https://www.ifla.org/covid-19-and-libraries
Vendors that offer acrylic shields: http://steelcase.com , http://displays2go.com , https://www.shoppopdisplays.com/12882/portable-clear-acrylic-u-shape-barrier-shield-ships-flat-355h-x-304w-x-1175d.html
United for Libraries webinar: "Advocacy for Your Library During a Crisis": http://www.ala.org/united/crisis
Urge Congress to provide $2 billion in emergency relief for libraries. Contact your Senators: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/contact-congress
***Are you in contact with your local health department? They may help provide support for “soft” reopening guidance, especially if your Board wants to get going faster than you do… Here is a look-up for the state: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73970_5461_74040---,00.html
COVID-19 Updates & Resources for Local Governments, presented in partnership with the Michigan Department of Treasury, Michigan Municipal League, Michigan Townships Association, and Michigan Association of Counties. See archive: PowerPoint ; Podcast ; YouTube video
Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic – this document was compiled by the Michigan Cooperative Directors Association. See additional links within the document.
On April 20, ALA released its State of America’s Libraries 2020, an annual summary of library trends released during National Library Week that outlines statistics and issues affecting all types of libraries during the previous calendar year.
Reopening: Not “When?” but “How?” : Libraries consider the realities of a post-pandemic world, by Cass Balzer, April 17, 2020 – American Libraries
Ideas for Kids during the Coronavirus Crisis
Call to Action from ALA - Urge Your U.S. Representatives to Support Emergency Funding for Libraries. https://www.milibraries.org/call-to-action |
This page has some good legal guidance: COVID-19 Resources for Michigan Libraries - Including: Conducting a Remote Public Library Board meeting
Staff Skills Academy*** - NEW!
The Library of Michigan, with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, offers the Wandoo Readerplatform from Demco at no cost to you. If you do not have an account already set-up, please request one by completing this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJkVjTEIy6B4fn3oSp8Q8ZNF5wNoQsFUpC4Z7hbFx4TJ4Etg/viewform?usp=sf_link Once you complete the form Demco will be in touch in the coming weeks with site login information, so please watch for their email message (check your junk folder just in case).
Additional information and FAQ’s can be found in the Knowledge Base (this site includes FAQ, getting started, training and videos) http://kb.demcosoftware.com/category.php?id=246
State of Michigan:
***Legal resource: Information shared by Anne Seurynck, attorney at Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith
ALA: Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery (pdf guide)
Michigan Municipal League – COVID-19 Webinar on Virtual Meetings (powerpoint)
IMLS – Mitigating COVID-19 When Managing Paper-Based, Circulating, and Other Types of Collections (archived webinar)
IMLS Announces New Stimulus Funding for Communities Across America
American Libraries Magazine article: How to Sanitize Collections in a Pandemic (3/27/20)
ARSL: ARSL Round Table: Rural & Small Libraries’ Response to COVID-19This is an uncertain time for everyone but we are all in this together. If staff are working from home, how are they adapting? What services are currently being offered, and what ways can we increase access to them? Drop in for this opportunity to talk with your peers to learn how they are managing the COVID-19 public health crisis. This free, one-hour open house will be held online via Zoom every Thursday at 11am Pacific / 12pm Mountain / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern. All are welcome to attend and participate. To attend, please register below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Register
Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Shared document on a phased reopening plan by John Thill, Idaho: https://medium.com/@john.alan.thill/a-phased-reopening-plan-for-libraries-as-covid-19-restrictions-are-lifted-2d96885c0c1d
Jean Gaskill from Surrey Twp Library told us about the lockers she purchased and shared the source: https://www.storemorestore.com/Code-Changeable-Locker-Keyless-Locks-Kiosk-p/sms-39-uel1288-6.htm
The sample policy from East Lansing is posted here, the succession plan from Charlevoix is here, and the Surrey Township Library Pandemic Reopening Procedures is here.
This is the company we are working with for our desk shields (from Tracy Logan-Walker, CWPL):