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Mid-Michigan Library League

May 2020 news

In place of the regular newsletter in April and May of 2020, we have more informal updates during the pandemic.

Mid-Michigan Library League,News of Interest

May 13, 2020

During this time when information is changing and more frequent communication is needed, I am doing the newsletter more frequently and with less formatting.  I hope this will provide timely and useful information. 

Recorded Webinars and Online Meetings:

Anne Seurynck’s POST COVID PANDEMIC POLICIES RECORDING AND SLIDES - You can find a recording of the May 12 webinar at the link below. Feel free to share this with your library boards as well. (Note you need to use the password also provided.)  Meeting Recording:  
Access Password: Pandemic19!  Slides are available here:  

*Note, this version of Anne’s presentation will be available at this location for 14 days. We are in the process of having it captioned and when that version is available it will be posted to our Library of Michigan Webinar Archives page:,9327,7-381-88855_89737-301245--,00.html  

MiYouth Meetings are weekly, at 10am on Wednesdays.  Note the added PASSWORD protection: Join from PC, Mac, Linus, iOS, or Android: Password: 454345 ; by phone:  USA 215 446 3657 or

888-363-4735 (US Toll Free); Conference code: 519921 (this week’s session has passed)

Friday, May 15, at 1pm Eastern. Library of Michigan director meeting.  Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  
Password: 541151 ; Or Phone: 216-706-7005 OR 866-434-5269 (Toll Free), Conference code: 579192
Notes from these Friday meetings are available here:

ALA/United for Libraries - This Friday, May 15th, at 2 pm EST - don't miss ALA'S reopening webinar, featuring our own Kristin Shelley - ELPL Director & MLA President: “Working Together on Planning, Policy and Legal Issues for Reopening a Public Library: The Board, the Attorney and the Librarian.”  Free webinar- Register Here

Notes from the Executive Director:

RIDES: When Things Go Wrong -

Governor Whitmer press conference 5-11-20 video:

PowerPoint slides:

Local community broadband: a good answer to internet connectivity

may 28, 2020 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Michigan Humanities Organizations Pandemic Emergency Grants (H.O.P.E.) - learn about the Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant opportunities. Visit this Zoom link to view a recording of the meeting, which includes participant questions. If you have any Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant questions, please contact James Nelson, MH Director of Grants, at

PLA - PLA's free webinar series, Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19, is now available on-demand. PLA is always working to provide public libraries with tools and strategies to increase digital literacy training and skills. Visit the PLA Digital Literacy Initiatives page.   Also, ***PLA is asking you to respond to another COVID-19 survey by 5/18:

Looking Ahead, Planning for Reopening – ALA's Chapter Relations Office and Public Policy and Advocacy Office, with United for Libraries.  This webinar is over, but here are slides:
ALA's COVID response home page:
IMLS COVID Research Partnership:

***Are you in contact with your local health department?  They may help provide support for “soft” reopening guidance, especially if your Board wants to get going faster than you do… Here is a look-up for the state:,5885,7-339-73970_5461_74040---,00.html

Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic – this document was compiled by the Michigan Cooperative Directors Association.  See additional links within the document.

This page has some good legal guidance:  COVID-19 Resources for Michigan Libraries

Including:  Conducting a Remote Public Library Board meeting

NEW:  Staff Skills Academy

EXECUTIVE ORDERS:  EO 2020-69, issued late on Thursday, April 30, extends the closure of places of public accommodation, including libraries and museums, TO THE PUBLIC, through May 28.

Other resources from the Library of Michigan:

SCREENING OF EMPLOYEES - You can find resources below to help inform you on the area of administering health screens to employees. 

Law-Firm Resources:

***Legal resource: Information shared by Anne Seurynck, attorney at Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith

YOUTH INFO:  Read Up! is a literacy-based activity guide from the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) for libraries to engage directly with Summer Food Service Program sites, it includes basic summer reading support information and enrichment activities.  You can download & edit the PDF to include your library’s programming information on the 2ndpage and your logo on the back cover, or just leave them blank, to send directly to program sites near you. This guide was created with support from the Library of Michigan and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

  • Read by Grade Three Law Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-35 (COVID-19), specifically Section IX(C), strict compliance with rules and procedures around MCL 380.1280f(5) is temporarily suspended. This compiled law is best known as the Read by Grade Three Law. Section IX(C) of Executive Order 2020-35 relieves a district of the obligations imposed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year to retain a pupil in grade three. The Read by Grade Three law has as its foundation state testing, which is not taking place this spring.

State of Michigan:

Executive Order 2020-59

EO 2020-69

ALA:  Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery (pdf guide)

NEW GRANT OPPORTUNITY: IMLS CARES Act Grants for Museums and Libraries FY2020 Notice of Funding Opportunity ***

IMLS – Mitigating COVID-19 When Managing Paper-Based, Circulating, and Other Types of Collections (archived webinar)

IMLS Announces New Stimulus Funding for Communities Across America

American Libraries Magazine article:  How to Sanitize Collections in a Pandemic (3/27/20)

Libraries and coronavirus

Tech Soup Newsletter

From the ALA Public Programs Office, Programming Librarian blog:

“Old-Fashioned Connection: Phone Programming in a Pandemic” by Hannah Arata, examples not only of programming activities but the technologies libraries are using to implement this type of program. 

Has your library considered being a SFSP site? Go to MDE’s Summer Food Service Program - attend Tuesday, May 26th at 2:30 p.m.  Eat Up @ Your Library! Summer Food Service for 2020

Shared document on a phased reopening plan by John Thill, Idaho:

Jean Gaskill from Surrey Twp Library told us about the lockers she purchased and shared the source:

The sample policy from East Lansing is posted here, the succession plan from Charlevoix is here, and the Surrey Township Library Pandemic Reopening Procedures is here.

This is the company we are working with for our desk shields (from Tracy Logan-Walker, CWPL): 

Library Hotspot Lending Policies – shared by Stacy Pasche:

Keyboard covers – shared by Cindi Place:

(Others use plastic wrap that is sticky on one side to stay in place, and the other side can be wiped.)

Shared on michlib-l -

Woodlands Library Cooperative set up a JanWay order that you can use:  Janway has put together a store of the most popular COVID products that are currently selling and are offering a flat 10% discount to all MI Libraries. Here is a link to our new website to access the store. 

  • At the top of the page go over to Customer Stores, there is a dropdown for MI Libraries Co-op
  • It is password protected - Password: MI Co-Op
  • The directions for applying the discount are on the top of the page, if they order through the store they need to enter the Discount Code: COVID– if this is not entered the discount will not be applied

Janway can also add any type of state or other logo to the customer store page, just to personalize it for your state libraries if you prefer - our contact is Michelle Rhodes, JanWay Sales Manager, 800-877-5242 x133, ,


May 5, 2020

During this time when information is changing and more frequent communication is needed, I am doing the newsletter more frequently and with less formatting.  I hope this will provide timely and useful information.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Webinars and Online Meetings this week:

MiYouth Meetings will be weekly, at 10am on Wednesdays.  Note the added PASSWORD protection: Join from PC, Mac, Linus, iOS, or Android: Password: 454345 ; by phone:  USA 215 446 3657 or

888-363-4735 (US Toll Free); Conference code: 519921    

Friday, May 8, at 2pm Eastern. Library of Michigan director meeting.  Join May 8 from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  
Password: 541151 ; Or Phone: 216-706-7005 OR 866-434-5269 (Toll Free), Conference code: 579192
Notes from these Friday meetings are available here:

The Michigan Library Association has been holding a coffee hour on Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. Please click this URL to join: if the link has been changed, try

This week we continue our discussion by taking a deeper dive into removing barriers to library service to discuss best experiences and opportunities for continuing and expanding virtual programming.  Part support group, part visioning, let’s share our thoughts and ideas as we innovate ways to create our post-pandemic future. Join us this week on Friday, May 8 at 11:00 EDT (10:00 am CDT) on Zoom. Please login using this link for the Virtual Dialogue.

COVID-19: Safety Tips for Reopening Your Library, May 12, 2020, 2:00 p.m. ET – This is a webinar sponsored by Demco.  Use this link to register: 

Archived webinars and links:

Governor Whitmer press conference 5-4-20 video:

PowerPoint slides:

Michigan Municipal League: COVID-19 Updates and Resources for Local Governments -

Michigan Humanities Organizations Pandemic Emergency Grants (H.O.P.E.) - learn about the Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant opportunities. Visit this Zoom link to view a recording of the meeting, which includes participant questions. If you have any Michigan H.O.P.E. Grant questions, please contact James Nelson, MH Director of Grants, at

PLA - PLA's free webinar series, Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19, is now available on-demand! Hear from library leaders across the country to learn how their library is handling the changing landscape, supporting staff and community needs during this time, and planning for the future. Watch the recordings now!

PLA is always working to provide public libraries with tools and strategies to increase digital literacy training and skills. Visit the PLA Digital Literacy Initiatives page for the latest grant announcements, links to online tools, and recorded webinars to help you teach technology and increase computer and internet access for community members.

Two free webinars on demand! These two webinars can be viewed for free until May 31st.  No registration required; just click on the title below to start viewing:
How to Keep Library Projects on Track: Project Management for Everyone and
How to Write for the Library Press (and Make Editors Love You)

Looking Ahead, Planning for Reopening – ALA's Chapter Relations Office and Public Policy and Advocacy Office, with United for Libraries.  This webinar is over, but here are the links they sent:

Link to Slides:
ALA's COVID response home page:
IMLS COVID Research Partnership:

***Are you in contact with your local health department?  They may help provide support for “soft” reopening guidance, especially if your Board wants to get going faster than you do… Here is a look-up for the state:,5885,7-339-73970_5461_74040---,00.html

Michigan Public Libraries: Re-opening Considerations after closures during the Covid-19 Pandemic – this document was compiled by the Michigan Cooperative Directors Association.  See additional links within the document.

This page has some good legal guidance:  COVID-19 Resources for Michigan Libraries

Including:  Conducting a Remote Public Library Board meeting

NEW:  Staff Skills Academy

EXECUTIVE ORDERS:  EO 2020-69, issued late on Thursday, April 30, extends the closure of places of public accommodation, including libraries and museums, TO THE PUBLIC, through May 28. ***Remember, this is an EO about extending the date of public facilities being closed to the public through May 28.  This is not about essential services from government entities being limited that is in the Stay at Home EO through May 15.  That is another EO. These two EOs have different dates and address different activities.***

State of the EOs May 1 Information Sheet - this was posted to Michlib-l and will be posted to LM website soon. Currently available here until the website link goes live.

Other resources from the Library of Michigan:

SCREENING OF EMPLOYEES - You can find resources below to help inform you on the area of administering health screens to employees. 

Law-Firm Resources:

Libraries Lead with Digital Skills Expands Economic Opportunity

Apply now for $2,000 toward virtual workforce programming  

The COVID-19 crisis has forced libraries to pivot into virtual services in lieu of face-to-face programming. Recognizing the critical role libraries play in supporting America’s workforce when millions file for unemployment, Libraries Lead with Digital Skills has expanded its initiative to offer public libraries $2,000 to provide virtual programming, outreach, and education to address the digital skills gaps of job seekers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. 

Who should apply? Public libraries that want to start virtual digital skills programs or those that are interested in testing out new resources. 

Program benefits: We are providing $2,000 in funding plus marketing support, a community of practice, and advocacy tools for libraries offering virtual programs that are geared toward job seekers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. U.S. public libraries, including those that have already participated, are eligible to apply for funding.

Requirements: The application is minimal and reporting requirements will be brief. We mainly want to learn about how your library is virtually assisting job seekers and empowering small business owners with digital skills, and to provide feedback on Grow with Google resources. Check out the COVID-19 resources Google has put together for libraries.  Awardees will need to plan and host a virtual workforce event using one of the Grow with Google resources listed on the project website. Selected libraries also receive an “Awardee Toolkit,” which includes marketing and outreach materials to help you hold a successful virtual event or series. For full details and to preview the application, visit the Libraries Lead website.  Questions? Email

YOUTH INFO:  The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) is aware of the impact on our communities during the current crisis and of all those unable to access the internet from home. Please read the letter to CSLP Member Libraries (all Michigan libraries are members thanks to IMLS) and take advantage of the new resources. The materials are divided by age group and are designed to be distributed directly to patrons, in print or through your library’s website/eNewsletters. You can find the files attached or download them: *Correction: The instructions on how to access the actual packet are included with the letter & file I shared below.  If you don’t remember your Manual Access Code once you login to your account, you can ask me or email CSLP!

Also, both webinar trainings from Wandoo Reader were recorded this week and are available here: 

There are also links to other resources for Wandoo on this page. If your library does not already have a site and would like one after viewing the trainings, please message me directly.

(Cathy Lancaster, Library of Michigan)

  • Read by Grade Three Law Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-35 (COVID-19), specifically Section IX(C), strict compliance with rules and procedures around MCL 380.1280f(5) is temporarily suspended. This compiled law is best known as the Read by Grade Three Law. Section IX(C) of Executive Order 2020-35 relieves a district of the obligations imposed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year to retain a pupil in grade three. The Read by Grade Three law has as its foundation state testing, which is not taking place this spring.

State of Michigan:

Executive Order 2020-59

EO 2020-69

***Legal resource: Information shared by Anne Seurynck, attorney at Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith

ALA:  Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery (pdf guide)

Michigan Municipal League – COVID-19 Webinar on Virtual Meetings (powerpoint)

IMLS – Mitigating COVID-19 When Managing Paper-Based, Circulating, and Other Types of Collections (archived webinar)

IMLS Announces New Stimulus Funding for Communities Across America

American Libraries Magazine article:  How to Sanitize Collections in a Pandemic (3/27/20)

Crossroads Newsletter

Shared document on a phased reopening plan by John Thill, Idaho:

Jean Gaskill from Surrey Twp Library told us about the lockers she purchased and shared the source:

The sample policy from East Lansing is posted here, the succession plan from Charlevoix is here, and the Surrey Township Library Pandemic Reopening Procedures is here.

This is the company we are working with for our desk shields (from Tracy Logan-Walker, CWPL): 


Call to Action from ALA - Urge Your U.S. Representatives to Support Emergency Funding for Libraries.

Tech Soup Newsletter 

From the ALA Public Programs Office, Programming Librarian blog:

“Old-Fashioned Connection: Phone Programming in a Pandemic” by Hannah Arata, examples not only of programming activities but the technologies libraries are using to implement this type of program.

ALSC will soon be sharing a living guide as a resource to those seeking to host storytime services from afar. There are some “sneak peeks” at their plans, as well as some webinars and resources already up at: More, coming soon, so I’d encourage you to bookmark this site.

Has your library considered being a SFSP site? This summer we will see greater need in our communities than ever before. Please go to MDE’s Summer Food Service Program to learn how to apply, resources, and more.  You can also watch LM’s 2018 webinar on libraries being a SFSP site:
Meet Up & Eat Up: Summer Food Services Program 

Join us for this year's most anticipated day-long gathering of librarians—now fully virtual and free to attend! Come hear from more than 35 authors in genre fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction and learn about more titles and trends from editors on our popular editors’ picks panel.

Library Hotspot Lending Policies – shared by Stacy Pasche:

Keyboard covers – shared by Cindi Place:

(Others use plastic wrap that is sticky on one side to stay in place, and the other side can be wiped.)


Mid-Michigan Library League
201 North Mitchell Street, Suite 302, Cadillac, MI 49601

Library image
Phone: 231-775-3037
Fax: 231-775-1749

Monday - Friday:
9:00 am  - 5:00 pm