Emergency Connectivity Fund
***DEADLINE EXTENSION issued March 1, 2022***
Q: What is the extended service delivery date and invoicing deadline for funding requests submitted during the first and second application filing windows?A: Per the FCC’s February 22, 2022 Order (DA 22-176 ), the service delivery date for all Emergency Connectivity Fund Program requests for equipment, other non-recurring services, and recurring services submitted during the first and second application filing windows is extended from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
(This means that the new hotspots with data plans that were not received until January or later will still have the 12 months of data service, instead of having to cut off on June 30, 2022, the data plan will extend to the end of the calendar year and into 2023, depending on the exact start date.)
Federal Communications Commission - Emergency Connectivity Fund FAQs (https://www.fcc.gov/emergency-connectivity-fund-faqs)
American Library Association - Summary of the FCC’s Order on the Emergency Connectivity Fund (https://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/telecom/erate/ALA%20Summary%20of%20ECF%20Order_5.19.21.pdf)
American Library Association - The Emergency Connectivity Fund, E-rate, and CIPA Compliance (https://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/telecom/broadband/CIPA%20Compliance%20Scenarios%20in%20ECF_final_6.8.21.pdf)
American Library Association - Emergency Connectivity Fund - Information for Libraries (https://www.ala.org/advocacy/ECF)
- Sample AUP & Statement of Need
- Sample Device Inventory Solution
- Laptop or Tablet Lending
- Long-term Hotspot Lending
Public Library Association - Non-Traditional Circulating Materials (https://www.ala.org/pla/resources/tools/circulation-technical-services/nontraditional-circulating-materials) and Hotspot Playbook (https://www.ala.org/pla/initiatives/digitallead/hotspot-playbook)
ECF Google Drive Documents – There are several files in our MMLL Google Drive in the Emergency Connectivity Fund folder. There are inventory spreadsheets, signout form suggestions, helpful emails in pdf, Deep Freeze info, etc. ~CLICK HERE~ (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q478cDUe7oHiwN4FT1TKdYE6szw1MkXE?usp=sharing)
ECF-funded devices should be filtered for three years, or as long as they are in service. If a device goes out of service, because it is broken or end of life, the library will want to mark it as such in their asset inventory.
***NEW: Web Filter Types and Options, compiled by E-Rate Central
Example of ECF AUP language:
The library has received funding from the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) to purchase [insert what was purchased. E.g., hotspots, tablets, internet access, etc.]. Any ECF supported equipment and services can only be provided to patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the internet.
Example of patron ECF certification language:
The equipment and services funded by the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) can only be provided to patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the internet. By signing this statement, I declare I do not have access to such equipment or services.
_________________________ _______________
Patron signature Date