iPad setup for circulation to the public
iPad setup for circulation to the public
There are eleven of you who received iPads from the Emergency Connectivity Fund intended for circulation to your patrons. They are not for in-library use, per the ECF guidelines. You can read more about ECF via our website: https://www.mmll.org/a/grants/emergency-connectivity-fund. The hotspots received via ECF do NOT need to be filtered, but the computing devices (iPads, Chromebooks, laptops) do need to be filtered to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Cory Walker, AKA the "Emergency Geek," has worked very hard to understand and configure and write up instructions for you all on how the iPads need to be set up. We had major pushback from Apple at the beginning, which is why this has taken so long. Also, the co-op had to purchase software (Jamf Now!) for all of your iPads so you can control them remotely, re-set them between patrons, and apply a filter to comply with CIPA. MMLL also paid the additional cost of the iPads, since the original quote used for the application was no longer honored when we went to order. So, what are the next steps? * Read through the document that Cory worked on for you (MMLL ECF iPad setup instructions). It is the step-by-step instruction on how to setup your iPad(s) for circulation to the public.
* If you still need help, try watching the recorded Zoom help session: https://youtu.be/uHnP8UX7VAE.
* If you are still having difficulty, you can contact Cory and use your tech hours to have him come to your library and assist.